How to Tie Dye Your Clothes Using Acrylic Paint

This trend from the 1960s has made a comeback! Tie-dying your clothes is a fun way to add colour to your wardrobe. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Harry Styles and Willow Smith have all been spotted rocking the tie-dye fashion trend. What you need: Acrylic paint in various colours of your choice Plastic bottles with spouts for each colour of paint (This is a good opportunity to recycle disposable water bottles or empty sauce bottles.) Warm water and cold water White t-shirt or material you want to tie-dye Rubber bands Method: Mixing the paint can get quite messy, so it is best to do it outdoors on the grass. Pour a different colour of paint into each plastic bottle. You only need to fill about one eighth of the bottle with paint. Fill each bottle halfway, with warm water. Put the lids on tightly and shake well. This step is very important if you are using acrylic paint. If it doesn't mix properly, the paint may become dry and crust...