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How to Tie Dye Your Clothes Using Acrylic Paint

This trend from the 1960s has made a comeback! Tie-dying your clothes is a fun way to add colour to your wardrobe. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Harry Styles and Willow Smith have all been spotted rocking the tie-dye fashion trend. What you need: Acrylic paint in various colours of your choice Plastic bottles with spouts for each colour of paint (This is a good opportunity to recycle disposable water bottles or empty sauce bottles.) Warm water and cold water White t-shirt or material you want to tie-dye Rubber bands Method: Mixing the paint can get quite messy, so it is best to do it outdoors on the grass. Pour a different colour of paint into each plastic bottle. You only need to fill about one eighth of the bottle with paint.  Fill each bottle halfway, with warm water. Put the lids on tightly and shake well. This step is very important if you are using acrylic paint. If it doesn't mix properly, the paint may become dry and crust...

Why Kids Need A Break From Covid

Children are currently under huge physical, emotional, social and physiological stress. With isolation, over-reliance on screens, lack of sports and play and prevailing fears, experts are reporting an increase in behavioral, academic and emotional problems including anxiety, low grades and depression.  At Sugar Bay, every childโ€™s health and safety have always been and will continue to be our number one priority. We will do everything in our power to protect your child emotionally as well as physically. We have always had very strict hygiene and safety protocols in place to reduce the risk of infections at camp. With the new Covid-19 regulations, these have been expanded so we can ensure the safety and well-being of all our staff and guests. When children come to Sugar Bay, we want them to leave with a greater sense of personal efficiency, a broader outlook on life and skills to succeed in the world . Our camp programs and activities are designed to support the emotional, physical a...

Raising Kids With 21st Century Skills

Going to camp is more than just an adventure away from home. Camp is an investment in your child's character, personal growth, skill sets, and future. In our time of rapid development of artificial intelligence and a booming digital world, it has become of utmost importance to teach and implement 21st-century skills in our children. The outcome of putting 21st-century skills into practice results in key competencies that are preparation for workforce training programs, careers, and socializing, just to name a few. With the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, our next generation is will be well equipped for the new age of flying cars. When children come to Sugar Bay, we want them to leave with a greater sense of personal efficiency, a broader outlook on life, and skills to succeed in the world. Here are some of the 21st-century skills we practice at Sugar Bay. Critical thinking  Creativity  Communication  Social ...

Why Friendships are Important to Your Child

  Have your children been feeling lonely missing their friends during the lockdown? We can all agree this year has been a hard and strange one. It has also been a stressful time for our children โ€“ not knowing when they will be going back to school and having to keep a safe distance from grandparents and their best friends. At Sugar Bay , we understand the value of great friendships in a childโ€™s life and the tremendous impact it can have on their well-being. When kids miss their friends, that loneliness might express itself as anger, anxiety and sleep problems. Most children will be pleased to get back into their familiar routine and might even want to spend more time with friends when this time of isolation finally comes to an end. As parents, we donโ€™t like to see our children stressed and unhappy, we donโ€™t want our children to be worried about global events because they are just kids. Our friends remain a hugely important part of our lives, from sharing problems, asking for advic...

Upcoming December 2020 Camps

  We have exciting news... Holiday Camp bookings are open for December 2020 and January 2021! Give your child the holiday of a lifetime. We have limited space available. Be sure to book early to avoid disappointment. For more information about Sugar Bay or to book a Holiday Camp: Visit or call us 032 485 3778 or email: Here are the themes to the upcoming Holiday Camps for December 2020 and January 2021: Spiderwick Chronicles Week: 5-11 December 2020     Join us as we go into a spell-casting and unbinding adventure! Who's going to unbind the spells from the Spiderwick Chronicles in the Sugar Bay Kingdom? Escape into a mythical world of Unicorns, Trolls and Fairies Make Goblin Snot, find the hidden unicorns and escape being sprinkled by Fairy Dust Creative kids can escape into a fantasy of Mythical Creature Design, Magic Spell Classes, Fairy Garden Creation and Symbolic Bracelet Making Compete and Defeat the Ogres, Spirits and G...

Camp - Just For The Health Of It

The diets and general physical activity of kids might need improvement after lockdown. Holiday camp is a good place for your kids to revisit healthy lifestyles. Sugar Bay promotes healthy eating and physical activity in 5 ways. 1. Eating Plans The kitchen staff take note of all campersโ€™ dietary needs. Every meal is served with fruits and vegetables, and regular water intake is encouraged by the counselors. 2. Tuckshop The Tuckshop promotes healthy snacks. Campers may only buy snacks containing sugar after lunchtime, and only if only they are buying a healthy snack as well. 3. Positive Role Models Holidays are a time when kids are more vulnerable to inactivity and unhealthy eating behaviors. At Sugar Bay holiday camp, your kids will enjoy learning from the good example set by the older kids and counselors. 4. Daily Habits Our experience has shown that repeated exposure to healthy foods and exercise promotes acceptance. A number of kids arrive at camp unenthusiastic about heal...

Parents Really Need A Break Now.

Lockdown has been long. So we get it, if youโ€™re a parent that feels like you really need a break from being an all-in-one parent, friend and school teacher 24-hours a day. Perhaps itโ€™s best to look forward, and have a plan for your recuperation and a plan that will also give your kids the outdoor freedom and adventure they crave. You are exhausted and your kids want an adventure โ€” thatโ€™s what holiday camps are for, that's what camp counselors are for. Yes, holiday camps will re-open again. Itโ€™s something that you can look forward to. During the down time, we have revamped the cabins to give holiday adventures a new look. New shooting games have been added to the program, and a new water slide has been installed. There is always something new at Sugar Bay. We even have a new menu.  We understand that kids cannot wait to laugh and run around with their friends again. We also understand that parents would like more freedom to work, and to also have a break. So when holida...