
Showing posts from July, 2014

Khanyisa School visiting Sugarbay!

Hi everyone! We are all very excited to have Khanyisa here at the bay to share some winter rays with us, all the way from Limpopo. Everyone is loving the beach and swimming in the sea, we even had some ladies dancing in the waves!  For the those who prefer to stay dry, there are always beach sports - and the kids here are rocking it. Even though these guys live far away from the beach, we did find some great surfers. So I'm running off to go join in on some land adventures now! Oh by the way, happy international hot dog day! I'm sure you know what was on the menu for lunch today. Keep on smiling Taz

Did your kids drive you crazy these school holidays?

The August school holidays are just around the corner, and Sugar Bay is definitely the best place to send your kids if you want them to spend their holidays productively outdoors, away from the telly & technology, and most importantly...not driving you mad with their complaints of boredom. Our delightful music video , which was filmed during the July holiday camps, will show you why camp is guaranteed to bring smiles, friends & adventure to your child's holiday. I am really excited about the themes I have planned for these August camps, as they offer something exciting and unique for Sugar Bay! Here is a sneak peak of what your kids can expect when they join us these holidays. Sugar Bay -  the sweetest place to be The first camp's theme is Beacon Allsorts week (10-17 August) , which will definitely fit well with all campers who have a sweet tooth. Each day will be themed after a different type of Beacon sweet, from marshmallo...

How to bring a Camp together

Hello to all my campers. I know I have been off the radar for the past few weeks but after reading this you will understand why. But before I give you the exciting low down, go check out our awesome music video that we filmed during the June/ July holiday camps. You may just recognise someone. Imagine arriving at a place you have never been before, driving down the drive way your heart starts pumping and your body becomes overwhelmed with the excitement and nervousness at the same time. You have been waiting for this moment for weeks, hearing stories, looking at pictures and packing your bag. And now you are finally here! As you park, you are welcomed by a crazy dressed up character with a friendly smile. Walking through the colourful set up you think to yourself, "is this the place for me?" Then mom and dad leave and it's just you. As you sit on the stairs you look around at 100 new faces, and now it's time for your journey to start. For...

High energy at 'So you think you can dance' week!

Hi everyone! Do you think you can dance? Well all our campers are eager to find out just that this week. After a day of dancing, jumping, swinging, skating and creating it was time to wind down and make some tasty home made face masks. Everyone had great fun making sure all their friends faces were completely covered.  Some very adventurous campers hiked all the way to campout over the beach, through a forest and along sugarcane roads. The reward, well smores of course! Looking forward to some more awesome moves this week. Keep on smiling! Taz

World Cup fever at Sugarbay

Hi everyone! So this week we are celebrating Rio and the world cup! It's soccer fever here at the bay. The teams started practicing early for some full on soccer action. Everyone loves playing penalty shoot-out on the beach! My personal favorite part was everyone making their very own mini stadiums on the beach. Great work guys! Until next time. Keep on smiling. Taz

Be the best surfer ever - just have fun!

"The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun" - Duke Kahanamoku When I started planning Mr Price Pro Week, this quote really inspired me. Duke definitely said it right. For those of you who have been here before, you will know that the #1 rule at Sugar Bay is to have fun! Throw in some new surfers and you have what Mr Price Pro week has turned into. This week at Sugar Bay we have been teaching our campers all about what it takes to become and professional Surfer. We started the week off with teaching the campers surfer lingo! They then went on to spend the ENTIRE day at the beach - the campers even got to eat lunch on the beach! The junior campers got to build their very own mini surfboard in our treasure hunt, in which they had to find the supplies. Next up was the โ€œmini surfers in trainingโ€ evening program where they had to complete four challenges in order to prove they are a mini surfer. These challenges included, balancing with the Bosu Equipment,...

Surf's up at Sugar Bay

Hi Everyone! This week at sugarbay we have Mr Price pro week! It is very exciting to see all our new aspiring surfers in action. For the creative types there was mini surfboard making, from shells collected at the beach. We even had our very own mini Mr Price Pro competition, with counselors Rooibos, Dashboard, Chana and Solo showing us their moves! We are having a  great time celebrating surfing Sugarbay style! Keep on smiling! Taz