
Showing posts from October, 2014

Sugar Bay paparazzi love Cambridge

This week we had Cambrige join us for four days . The Sugar Bay paparazzi couldn't leave these happy kids alone! No matter where they went or what they did, the Sugar Bay paparazzi could not stop capturing them having a great time. Who can blame the paparazzi for wanting to capture the incredibly photogenic learners from this wonderful school, as they enjoy sunny days on the beach.  Remember to be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy. Float

Constanstia perfect the "Underwater Selfie"

Wow, this week has been amazing with Constantia Park! We have done so many amazing activities and made so many new memories. We especially took a lot of "under the pool" selfies . After all the underwater selfie practice, we learned that when you smile underwater, it's particularly harder to hold your breath! *Gasp* But, of course, we accepted the challenge and managed to do it. Once we got used to it, we couldn't keep the smiles off our faces. We are so sad to be seeing this amazing school leave us. At least we will always have these underwater selfies to remember our time together at Sugar Bay. Now go take a selfie under water =D Float

Constantia Park hits Sugar Bay by storm

On Monday afternoon Sugar Bay was flooded with campers from Constantia Park. They traveled all the way from Pretoria to come and see what all their previous class mates had told them. The beach, the activities and to meet these crazy people with funny names they had heard so much about. Let me tell you, I love having 200+ campers at camp. From an outsider looking in, it must definitely look crazy, but as a counselor, it's a dream come true. Two hundred brand new faces that are going to change your life in just five days, and become another beautiful memory. The campers from Constantia definitely brought their energy to camp from the very first day. We divided the group into three sections and were running beach, land and adventure activities every day of the week. There were campers everywhere! Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side this week, with overcast clouds and a sprinkle of rain every now and then. However, this never stopped these tough ...

Training warriors of fun at Shaka Zulu Week

Shaka Zulu week has been training us to become patient and great warriors. Throughout the week, the male counselors have been trying to prove to us why they should be crowned Shaka Zulu, and the female counselors have been doing their best to convince us why they should be his number one wife.  We have had a great week keeping our theme alive, from warrior face painting to tribal dancing. This holiday week is definitly one for the books. We have had the great bunch of kids with us, and we are really enjoying their company. Here at camp we love to have fun, and we definitely did that this week. Pool swim was the best! We even welcomed back some old counselors. โ€œFor me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.โ€  Float 

Ushaka Adventure with Enjabulweni and Sifundzani Primary

We went on a great adventure today with Enjabulweni and Sifundzani Primary schools, who are visiting Sugar Bay all the way from Botswana. It was a great day to learn about all the amazing ocean creatures, and to watch the counselors get splashed by dolphins.  There were many beautiful fish at the aquarium, but the one in the photo below was one of my favourite. How beautiful are the colours?!  There was this really cool tank that you could stick your head in, and it made you feel like you were in the tank!  A camera is a save button for the minds eye. Have a great weekend. Float