Camp Friends are the Best Kind of Friends

We know you love our staff members. You love that they're quirky You love that they're fun Parents love that they protect you from the sun. But do you know how they came to be Spending time with you in the Zinkwazi sea? We thought you'd be keen to learn more about The great Sangi & Wave , so we gave them a shout: The Wise & Wonderful SANGOMA Years at Sugar Bay: 9 sweet sweet years of wonder Fav Camp Food: Chef's Chicken Curry Fav Camp Tradition: Camp-Out, it's the best! Fav Camp Activity: Movie making for Sangoma FM Productions and Sugar Bay's Youtube Channel Sangoma is an outdoor educator and camp extraordinaire who has worked at camps in America, South Africa, Croatia and the UK, where he's originally from. You name it and this hero has done it! Sangoma has travelled to 60 countries, worked in an orphanage in Vietnam and is obsessed with spicy food. Some even say he puts chilli on his corn flakes, but you'll...