How camp teaches children to appreciate nature

The current health of our planet is a great concern. Everyone, from international organizations to typical families has been urged to practice living in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. “Going Green” is a fairly new practice for many households. However, at Sugar Bay Resort, a holiday camp for kids and teens, children are taught how to live Eco-friendly lifestyles and appreciate the environment on a daily basis. Here are 5 ways in which children are taught to appreciate nature and the environment at camp: 1. Recycling Sugar Bay has separate bins placed at camp especially for recycling; one for paper, one for plastic and one for metal. On arrival, campers are shown where these bins are located and briefed on the importance of recycling at camp, and in our everyday lives. Food never goes to waste at the camp, as all leftovers are collected and delivered to the pig farm after every meal. Recycling is also integrated into the camp’s offices, where th...