
Showing posts from May, 2018

Upcoming June/July Camps

With the mid-year approaching, it's time to press the restart button, so that your kids can feel refreshed and prepared for the second half of their academic year. Reward their hard work with a tropical school holiday adventure that could not be found on the TV or computer. We have three imaginatively themed camps for the July school holidays, and our R1900 discount officially makes Sugar Bay the best way to spend the winter holidays. Spiderman Week Fighting crime one web at a time, Peter Parker promises to swing past Sugar Bay for a quick break and join in on our web of fun. Highlights: A carnival with a New York theme will be held where the juniors will indulge in a range of American carnival activities.  A special beach bonfire will be hosted for the seniors where they'll be spoiled with a colour fire and fire show. Skits and Stunts: Campers will enjoy a performance of crazy skits and stunts put on by our counselors. Campers will enjoy a pool party ...

Bongimfundo delights in a day at Sugar Bay

Sugar Bay does not host day visits for schools, but we make one exception. We are always honoured to host the learners of Bongimfundo Primary School free of charge. This year the smiles of ninety grade 3 and 4's arrived at camp filled with the Sugar Bay spirit. They were thrilled to spend the day playing at camp. Four Square, Space Jump, swimming and body art were among the long list of activities they relished on Friday, 11 May 2018. "I was scared when they told us we were coming to Sugar Bay, kodwa kum'nandi lana ! (It's so much fun here)" This is what Nosipho, age 9, said when she was asked about her experience at Sugar Bay. "I still can't believe it!" she exclaimed. Because every child is special, Sugar Bay supports student growth and different forms of education. Experiential education is Sugar Bay's specialisation. There are many things children can learn through play, for example interpersonal teamwork and problem-solving ski...

3 Tips to manage homesickness like a pro

When you introduce the idea of camp to your children, the first reaction expected is of excitement, looking forward to making new friends, being away from home and new experiences.  For some children, however, the idea of being away from home might be frightening and a cause of anxiety. If homesickness isnโ€™t managed properly, your child may not take home the full excitement that comes after attending camp, and it may deepen the anxiety of being away from home next time. Here are three ways you can help your child with homesickness and anxiety without being part of the problem. 1.Have a conversation before camp When the first couple of conversations are thrown around about the idea of camp, slight inserts of, โ€œHow exciting would it be to spend some time with new people?โ€ should be thrown in the mix. Itโ€™s very important that you phrase your language in a positive context and emphasize the excitement and benefits of this new experience. When there is hesitancy...

DIY: How to make a Lava Lamp

What you will need: Water  A clear plastic bottle Vegetable oil Food colouring Alka-Seltzer (or other tablets that fizz) Instructions: 1. Pour water into the plastic bottle until it's   around one quarter full. You might want to use a funnel when filling the bottle so you don't spill anything. 2.Pour in vegetable oil until the bottle is almost full. 3.Wait for the water and oil to separate. 4. Add a dozen drops of food colouring into the bottle (choose any colour you like). 5. The food colouring should fall through the oil and mix with the water. 6.Cut an Alka-Seltzer tablet into small pieces (5-6 pieces) and drop one of them into the bottle, things should start getting a little crazy because the lava lamp should be coming to life! 7. When the bubbling stops, add another piece of Alka-Seltzer and enjoy the show! From making rock candy, volcano's to lava lamps, we love to learn through play at Sugar Bay. Follow our Pinterest channel if y...