What Summer Camp Mom Are You?

We all know there are different types of moms around the world, but when sending children to camp, moms turn into summer camp moms. From the rookie, to the veteran and everything in between. Here are moms we get to see on arrival day at camps. The Helicopter Mom Like helicopters, a helicopter mom hovers over her child on every little detail when sending them to camp. From which set of clothes he should wear for the evening program, to having an extra pair of socks in the event that the extra packed pair gets lost too, to packing "just in case" medication, to pulling out a two-page set of questions based on information she gathered from the website, to requesting interval reports on how her child is doing. The list is endless. We love our helicopter moms, they keep camp standard on the ball. The Worrisome Mom With similar characteristics to the Helicopter Mom, this mom is an over-thinker. The slightest scratch on her child would need paramedic support. She has...