Why Kids Need Camp Now More Than Ever

We hear it all the time - "This generation has lost all hope". They can't communicate, veg in front of the T.V and they're quite the self-centered bunch. The question we should be asking is: how are we enabling them and how are we going to help our kids find another route in living their lives? Stop what you're doing and take a look around, whether you're at home, the supermarket or a park, you will find one constant - a tech device. While technology plays a part in millennials heading to zombie land, kids are missing simple essentials in their daily lives to living a full life. Kids need an environment away from their over-caring parents, tech devices and hectic schedules; an environment that allows room for interaction, enjoying the great outdoors and self-reliance. Traditional summer camp: outdoor, hot, sweaty, buggy, muddy; sounds about right. This is the antidote for the societal black hole children dig for themselves, day in day out. Simply...