Special Effects Classes at Sugar Bay: How to create a severed finger

Want to have a more realistic trick or treat this Halloween? Or do you dream of working on a blockbuster film creating believable cuts and burns? At Sugar Bay we run weekly prosthetics classes where we see vampire bites, severed fingers and slit throats come to life Here's a step by step to create the perfect scare with a severed finger! What you will need: Skin tone make-up Piece of soft bubblegum Blue, red and black make-up Butter knife Step 1: Roll bubblegum and apply right in the middle on the second joint of your finger. Spread out and smooth out to make a clean edge. Step 2: Put some make-up (according to your skin tone) on the bubblegum and all over the finger to make it realistic. Step 3: Now make a cut in the bubblegum with a butter knife. Apply the blue, red, and black make-up to add a more dramatic effect and Who's ready to scare mom and dad when they come from work this ...