
Showing posts from July, 2019

Special Effects Classes at Sugar Bay: How to create a severed finger

Want to have a more realistic trick or treat this Halloween? Or do you dream of working on a blockbuster film creating believable cuts and burns? At Sugar Bay we run weekly prosthetics classes where we see vampire bites, severed fingers and slit throats come to life Here's a step by step to create the perfect scare with a severed finger! What you will need:  Skin tone make-up  Piece of soft bubblegum  Blue, red and black make-up  Butter knife  Step 1:  Roll bubblegum and apply right in the middle on the second joint of your finger. Spread out and smooth out to make a clean edge.  Step 2:  Put some make-up (according to your skin tone) on the bubblegum and all over the finger to make it realistic.  Step 3:  Now make a cut in the bubblegum with a butter knife. Apply the blue, red, and black make-up to add a more dramatic effect and  Who's ready to scare mom and dad when they come from work this ...

Upcoming August Camps

As we say goodbye to frostbites and Mr sniffles, we'll be putting the spring back in your step these upcoming holidays! With the first half of the year done and dusted, we're diving right into summertime fun. We have four magnificent themed holiday camps and with a discount of R2000 on each camp, Sugar Bay is the place to be these August holidays. Are you ready for an epic adventure? Grease Week: 11 - 18 August 2019  Get your dancing shoes on as we're heading into the 70's for a week of singalong and boogie! Come join Sandy and Danny as they turn Sugar Bay into a musical paradise! Highlights    Lipsync battle.  Grease dancing classes.  Slumber party (girls). Mechanics-themed camp out (boys).  Prom-themed party night. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO GET GROOVY?  BOOK NOW FOR A MUSICAL SHOWDOWN.  X Games week: 18 - 25 August 2019  Where are all our adrenaline junkies? From skating to BMX, it's about to get extreme at...

3 basic fire-spinning moves for beginners.

Fire spirals, spitting dragons, and rhythmic dancing - no wonder the art of fire-spinning has spread like wildfire at the Bay. The Sugar Bay fire-show tradition first saw light when Bear, aka Elan Stark, and Hoova, aka Baden Dowie, two of our very first counselors, started showing the kids a few cool poi tricks when Sugar Bay opened in 2001. Poi is the physical objects used by the dancers and the choreography itself of fire-spinning. Poi originates from the Maori people and is still being practiced today. In our previous post, we teach you how to make poi in 5 easy steps , the history of poi and the different Maori traditions poi is used for. Before you start spinning with fire, you use poi to practice your routine. We have 3 basic moves to get you started on your fire-spinning journey. Butterfly  Hold your arms at a 90ยฐ angle with your palms facing up  Spin poi in mini circles while seperating your arms and come back in.  Punches  Start...