Mysteries of missing materials at Sugar Bay
a week of constant fun and laughter; missing items are probably the
only (but major) “anti-climax” of camp. While campers return with
a lot of exciting stories to share about their experience at camp,
very few of these stories ever tell the tale of how that pair of
jeans or takkies went missing. The loss of any item may be quite
frustrating for any parent, especially if the lost property
guidelines are not clear.
are our guidelines detailing how we take care of lost property at camp:
do not care about my missing items”

take the utmost care to prevent items from going missing. On the arrival
day we point out the Lost Property section and explain the lost
property procedures. We also display lost property everyday after
lunch before campers go up for siesta. At the end of everyday,
counselors go around camp to round up any items that have been left
out, and place them in the Lost Property section.
helped me to find my items”
an item is reported missing then the counselor makes it their duty to
find the lost item. Counselors will go to every corner of Sugar Bay
and search for the missing item as if it were a 'missing person' case.
Even our managers have dedicated their time to drive around and find missing items, or items that were left behind at the beach or
the park.
left it there and it has disappeared”
an item has been left out for a while then it has not grown legs and
walked off, but has probably been collected and taken to the Lost Property Section by one of the counselors. If the item is not in lost
property, then the search begins.
gave it to my friend and now they don't know where it is”
strongly encourage campers not to share clothes and other items to
avoid arguments and accusations of theft. In the event of a friend
losing the item we will contact the parents and resolve the situation
if the item cannot be found.

really do care about the missing items that land up in lost property. We also round up any lost property that was left at camp after
the week is over, and send it to Lost Property Island where it is stored in
the archives and waits for you to claim it. Please remember
to put your name inside all your items so Captain Rosa can contact
you and help return your lost treasures.
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