
Showing posts from 2012

Out-Parenting Parents

GOD CREATED CHILDREN (AND IN THE PROCESS GRANDCHILDREN) To those of us who have children in our lives, whether they are our own, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or students... here is something to make you chuckle. Whenever your children are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to His own children. After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. And the first thing he said was 'DON'T! ' 'Don't what ?' Adam replied. 'Don't eat the forbidden fruit.' God said. 'Forbidden fruit? We have forbidden fruit? Hey Eve..we have forbidden fruit! ' ' No Way! ' 'Yes way! ' 'Do NOT eat the fruit! ' said God. 'Why? ' 'Because I am your Father and I said so ! ' God replied, wondering why He hadn't stopped creation after ma...

Benefits of Camp: Psychological Aspects

Camp And Youth Development Outcomes Parents want the best opportunities for their children. They want them to have whatever it takes to be happy and successful - good health, ability to get along with others, thinking and problem solving skills, a good self-concept. Children need resiliency skills: self-esteem, life skills, self-reliance, and pro-social behaviors. The camp experience offers a nurturing environment away from the distractions and, in some cases, the hostile environment of the city. Peter Scales, Ph.D., is a senior fellow with the Search Institute in Minneapolis. A noted educator, author, and psychologist, Dr. Scales says, "Camp is one of the few institutions where young people can experience and satisfy their need for physical activity, creative expression and true participation in a community environment. Most schools don't satisfy all these needs." In recent years camps have put a greater emphasis on what leaders in the child developmen...

Iโ€™ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours

Posted on September 7, 2012 Article Author: Dr. Christopher Thurber Everyone has talentsโ€“some obvious, some hidden. At camp, itโ€™s easy to see who the athletes are, somewhat harder to see who the artists are, and almost impossible to see who the intellectuals are. Find new ways to help all of your campers shine. Because enhanced self-esteem is a cornerstone outcome of most camp programs, it is worth reflecting nowโ€“post seasonโ€“about the ways in which your program identifies, cultivates, and showcases talents of all types. Self-esteem, after all, is grounded in feelings of competence. And feeling good about at least one thing is essential for authentic happiness. Most camps heavily emphasize physical prowess, as evidenced by the surfeit of inter- and intra-camp athletic competitions. These competitions are especially wonderful when they allow all children a chance to play, when they focus on fun, and when they include non-traditional games and sports that l...

Bodyboarding & it's benefits....

Bodyboarding & it's benefits.... Here at Sugar Bay we have the most awesome stretch of coastline. One of the many amazing sporting activities we offer is Bodyboarding. As you may or may not know, we have top equipment here at Sugar Bay; bodyboards, fins, rash-vests & wetsuits as well as a professional trainer that can teach you all the busting moves you can do while bodyboarding. I just wanted to write down a few reason's why bodyboarding is so beneficial to you. Firstly, being out in the warm water, close to nature & becoming part of the ocean & all it's glories is an experience you will never forget. Bodyboarding teaches you balance, co-ordination, helps build self-confidence & self-esteem. Catching your first wave... Riding it from the back-line to the shore break will leave you craving more & more! It's a great thing learning about the ocean & bodyboarding can teach you all this. You learn to read when it's safe, whe...


So we got a few of our Pro-Counselors to give us a bit of information with regards to the activities that they are in charge of here at Sugar Bay. Here is what they had to say. Life Guarding: "So ya watsup I'm Falcon & I'm Sugar Bay's very own Head Lifeguard. I think I have one the best jobsin the world because I get to spend most of my days on the beach with all the kids here, swimming and having fun in the sun. So if you guys wanna see what I do, then come down tp the beach and I'll see you there." S.U.P. (Stand Up Paddleboarding): "Whats up guys, this is Finch. I'm the Stand Up Paddleboarding Instructure here at Sugar Bay. S.U.P is a very sick sport, and one the quickest growing sports in South Africa. S.U.P is all about fun and love for the ocean. In my classes you learn the basics of S.U.P, and how to shred hard in the sea. Come join the S.U.P class, be that guy or girl who can shred hard." "Lifes a sand pit, DIG IT!!!...


We have just had our 11th Birthday camp this week and a few of our campers write up what they have experienced here at Sugar Bay. Junior Camper Simona Cutifani (13) "Sugar Bay has effected me tremendously. It's a place that helps me get away from the cruel reality that is life. Here, I know I can just be myself and not be judged. Coming here is a chance to reinvent myself and be whoever I want to be. Bullied at school, it's a hard for me to be outgoing and loud, but here I feel I can do absolutely anything. The counselors are encouraging and joyfull and I love being around them. Sometime I wish I could be here all the time. Thanks for making me realise how great life can be". "I love Sugar Bay!" "Sugar Bay is the best camp I've ever been to and its my first time and its already the best." Senior Camper Tahlia Cutifani (15) "Sugar Bay is a totally awesome camp which gives young people to experience different things and further...


Dear Mom and Dad,      I'm a little sad. It's the last week of camp. I've made a lot of new friends, learned how to Stand Up Paddle Board, and over come my fear for hights by doing the High Ropes Course and Climbing Wall. I miss both of you a lot but I wish camp would last forever. See you Sunday. Love,         Jennifer If this is the letter you hope to receive at the end of your child's stay at camp then now is the time to begin planning. You ask yourself how can you plan for the hot, hazy days of summer when rain drops are falling everywhere? Yes, this is the time. The majority of summer camps are filling up quickly. You don't want your child to go on a waiting list and miss the best possible summer of his or her life! If you are ready to begin, you want to be sure that you have time for you and y...

The Meaning of Summer Camp

By NANCY GIBBS Thursday, July 03, 2008 - Time Magazine I never went away to camp, even though--or maybe because--my father became president of the American Camping Association (ACA) when I was a kid. He liked to joke that my idea of camping was room service. I might have resented this had it been any less true. I suspected it was time to send my daughter off to camp even before the day the power went out in our neighborhood and she and a hungry friend tried to roast a hot dog over a candle. Absent electricity, they spent the days making ankle bracelets and playing board games and writing a play together because no power means no screens, no iChat, no Sims. So I wasn't looking for some fancy culinary camp or robotics camp or whatever is fashionable now, just for someplace that teaches the appropriate interactions of sticks, weenies and flame. With no plugs. ...