Hi Everyone, it's Rodger Dodger!
Sorry it's been so long people, camp has been so fun I lost track of time. New Years camp was a blast, Back to the Future Week was awesome, the Party Night and the fireworks were amazing and the best thing of all was that Sangoma came back to camp. Everyone was so happy to see him again. After that was Funsunzi Week - also so much fun. Lots of time spent on the beach, going nuts by the pool and on the last day we had a Colour Fest. There was colour being thrown everywhere and everyone came back looking like a Picasso painting, so much fun. Then we had Disney Week. Although there were not as many campers as other weeks we still had a blast with who was still here, especially with Disney Channel All Camp Games at the end of the week Sadly, that was the end of the holiday camps but we still have school camps to look forward to like Crawford Sandton, who we just hosted. Cool bunch of people and really enjoyed theie henna tattoos. Then the counselors and myself had a weeken...