Camp Counselors - Where are they now?

Q & A with Hoova – Baden Dowie

1. How did your journey at camp begin?

“I arrived at Nic and Zoe’s home one rainy Sunday morning in March 2001. I turned up with a backpack, guitar and in an insecure, playful, bold and nervous twenty-year-old body. However, so excited to be part of building South Africa's first American styled children's holiday camp. Sugar Bay was just a construction site when I arrived; there was only an empty hall, steal frame structures, no pool, no grass on the sports field and no cabins either. I was privileged to have seen camp in its early stage. I worked at camp full time from March 2001 to September 2002. Thereafter, whilst I was pursuing my studies, I kept returning to camp for every holiday until 2007.”
2. What was the best part of the job for you?

“The growth in confidence I gained in myself because of working so close with Nic and Zoe, witnessing their vision become a reality. Their faith, determination and “anything is possible attitude” was amazing. While working with Nic, I supervised the physical structural development of camp. While working with Zoe, we would design the programs camp would offer. I learnt so much in such a short period of time. The other best part of the job was learning how to surf.”
3. How did you get your nickname?
“Nicknames weren't even a thing is those early days. I chose “Hoover” and spelt it with an "a" – “Hoova”, because it complimented my massive appetite. I just couldn't get enough; I didn't eat like a pig, I just ate a lot.”
4. Who was your favourite fellow counselor, and why?

“Bear, formally known as Elan Stark. Elan and I were friends who had worked at a camp called Happy Acres in Johannesburg during our high school years, so, we had some history. We were very similar; loud, energized, resourceful, innovative and a little competitive too. We break-danced together, spun poi, grabbed 6am surfs together and always had another song to sing. Bear and Hoova had great chemistry.”
5. What do you miss the most about camp?

Teaching break-dancing at the pool, break-dancing on party night with Bear, all camp relay, camp fires, random songs sung in the dinning hall, skits and stunts, capture the flag and life guard training. But, most of all; standing on that stool, calling out "Hi, my name is HOOOOVA" at that first camp in 2001."
6. Do you miss working at Sugar Bay as a camp counselor?

“Yes and no. Yes, because camp was this world within a world, an oasis, where I could, without knowing, naturally, effortlessly just be myself and inspire young kids to try an activity they never would have dreamed of doing. And no, because everything has a season, for me, being a camp counselor was awesome for a time even though I wanted it to last forever. I also wanted my own home, I wanted to get married and start a family. And, for that to happen, I knew I would need to leave camp some day.”
7. What are you currently doing with your life now (in terms of your career)?
“Since camp I studied Education and got my Bachelor in Education degree, I taught Design Tech for 8 years and now I consult to schools on Maker Space installations (Workshop Labs).”
8. Has being a camp counselor in anyway added or benefited your current
career position?
“Absolutely, camp teaches one to be resourceful. For example, you have a group of children and there is 20 minutes to go till the next activity; what do you do? You do something! Be it a song, hacky sack games, tag game...something! You just do something with those little guys. Kids follow energy and passion. As a design Tech teacher, being resourceful really helps a lot.”
9. What was your most embarrassing moment at camp?

There were three actually;
the Land Rover seriously stuck (right rear wheel was completely off
the ground and in the air) cause I rammed the front left wheel into
the electrical and water trench between the guard house and main
Nic and Zoe's a long board. After repair it was retired to hang up
in the dinning hall for a while.”
5 stitches in my fore-head showing the kids what NOT to do in the
pool. I dived in. That was really silly.”
“To the current and future counselors know that there is no “Counselor Mould” that you need to squeeze into, or a one size fits all style of counseling. However, there is a “Your Style” of counseling that you grow into, a unique way that is your way, your approach that connects and engages to a specific group of campers so brilliantly. Lastly, with everything you do, maintain and uphold the image and reputation you cast for your campers and team.”
It was certainly wonderful catching up with our Hoova after all these years. We would love to catch up with all our past counselors and see where you guys are now. If you would like to be featured, send an email to
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