What does it take to be a Sugar Bay Counsellor?

What is a Sugar Bay counselor? If you've ever been to Sugar Bay before you will know that our counselors are probably the most amazing people out there. They have energy throughout the day, each and everyday, they are always positive and have smiles on their faces and most importantly, they know how to have fun and laugh at themselves.
But here at camp we don't just let anyone walk through the door and put on that famous blue shirt! For those who are lucky enough to get accepted, they still need to go through a two week training course where they will learn the in's and out's of how camp runs.
The selection process is very specific, after showing interest in the amazing opportunity to work with children everyday, they will send their CV's through to our Head Counselor, Tape. Applicants are then requested to send a motivational letter, and will also be contacted for an intense phone interview.
Once accepted, they will move onto the next stage, coming to training week! During this week trainees will see if they have what it takes to be one of our counselors!
The first day, Sunday, is always my favourite - waiting to meet all the new faces, seeing everyone make new friends and learning about why they want to become a Sugar Bay counselor. We have a Sunday afternoon braai - what better way is there to get everyone nice and relaxed? Then just like holiday camps, we have opening night games where we all get to run around like children.

Trainees will learn from the PC's all about how things are run from games, to safety protocols and what we expect from them if they become a Sugar Bay counselor.
They then have training lectures with the managers. I give lectures on Child and Staff Psychology, and Tape teaches them all about the Theory of Teaching. Our director, Zoe, also comes to teach and qualify all trainees in First Aid and CPR, a qualification which is compulsory in order to work at here with all our special campers.
The fun doesn't end there. Trainees will also have their very own camp fire with stories, songs and smore's led by our own Rodger Dodger!
As you can tell, there is a lot for them to do, but it doesn't stop there. After completing training week, the trainees will come back to complete their shadow week at camp. During their shadow week, they will follow one of our top staff members around and learn all that they can from them! If they truly impress us after this shadow week, they will be selected to become a member of our Sugar Bay Team!
How are names selected? Over the years we have gone through several names, generally around a theme. So for example, last week we brought something different into the theme names: “ The Super 15”. So all our new trainee counselors are named after a lot of cool rugby gear!
Tube:” I honestly thought it was going to be boring and all theory work, but we had so much fun and really bonded together as a team. I loved the fact that I got to meet new people and that we worked together as a team.”
Jersey:”A lot hey! The obstacle course and Kayaking were my favourite, I would like to do more of those types of activities! The people I met, the perfect weather, only one rainy day and the food it was all amazing.”
To meet all our new counselors join us this holiday for our awesome camps: Australian week, and Fire and Ice week are all around the corner!
Also if you, or someone you know would like to become a counselor here at Sugar Bay, email staff@sugarbay.co.za for more information.
Thats all from me for this week! See you next week for more news in and around the bay! Remember it's your world! <3
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