Redhill all the way!

This week, Sugar Bay was blessed to have the grade 9 students from Redhill join us here at camp! This school has given us some of the best Counsellors in Training (C.I.Ts) that have turned into amazing counsellors, such a Milkshake! Needless to say we were all very excited for these students to join us!, and we have definitely not been disappointed!

From the first day, when we took all the campers down to the beach to explore our beautiful front, they showed us they were ready for an awesome week. Casino night on the first night was very exciting, as campers worked in teams to see who could win the most money!

Throughout the rest of the activities for the week, we had campers achieving some pretty amazing goals here at camp! Whether they were conquering their fear of heights at high ropes, or bringing out their adventurous side by taking the leap of faith off the King Swing, everyone tried something fun and exciting this week.

A big hit for the seniors had to be the early morning classes we had on offer. Who knew that seniors were so excited to wake up early and get the day started? The stand hour class had to be on Tuesday morning, as campers woke up extra early to catch the beautiful Zinkwazi sun rise. But that was not all, campers then had a choice between two classes - surfing and yoga. Words can not describe how awesome it was. Everyone left the beach that morning feeling ready for an wonderful day ahead!

The weather has been very kind to us this week, but unfortunately the rain did arrive on their last day. However, when the rain comes out at Sugar Bay the fun never stops! Counsellors go straight into action! Campers participated in activities such as mechanical surfboard, sumo wrestling and even got to learn how to spin staff and poi just like the counsellors! There was also and indoor soccer tournament going on, and campers were getting henna done!

Wednesday morning was a very sad morning at camp, as we had to say goodbye to all the Redhill campers. We are really going to miss their vibe here at camp, and hope to see them back for our AC programs and even better, our C.I.T Program!

Next week (20 April 2014) is Australia week here at Sugar Bay. I can't wait! Stay tuned to the blog to hear about all the fun and games happening here at the Bay! Remember it's your world! <3


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