How to Soothe Sunburn

The sun is scorching this Summer in Sunny South Africa! And yes, the blazing sun is what makes our Summer days super fun. But blazing skin? That makes us want to run! Thankfully, here at Sugar Bay we are all about fun as we protect ourselves from the harsh effects of the sun. However, sometimes the sun can melt through the sunblock or you could have missed a spot while applying sunscreen and you find yourself heading back from the beach looking a little... red ? THIS IS NOT YOU CAMOUFLAGING LIKE A CHAMELEON! I repeat: THIS IS NOT YOU CAMOUFLAGING LIKE A CHAMELEON! This is you sun burned! Here's a few tips on how to ease the soreness and treat sunburn at home: Dissolve Epson salts or baking soda in water, apply to a clean cloth, and drape the cloth over the affected skin. Take a cool bath, add...