
Showing posts from January, 2016

How to Soothe Sunburn

  The sun is scorching this Summer in Sunny South Africa! And yes, the blazing sun is what makes our Summer days super fun. But blazing skin? That makes us want to run! Thankfully, here at Sugar Bay we are all about fun as we protect ourselves from the harsh effects of the sun. However, sometimes the sun can melt through the sunblock or you could have missed a spot while applying sunscreen and you find yourself heading back from the beach looking a little... red ? THIS IS NOT YOU CAMOUFLAGING LIKE A CHAMELEON! I repeat: THIS IS NOT YOU CAMOUFLAGING LIKE A CHAMELEON! This is you sun burned! Here's a few tips on how to ease the soreness and treat sunburn at home: Dissolve Epson salts or baking soda in water, apply to a clean cloth, and drape the cloth over the affected skin. Take a cool bath, add...

How to Upgrade your Noodles

  They're delicious, easy to make and a meal for any mood, but they do tend to get boring after a while. That's why, we're going to show you how to change your acquired taste from drab to fab by upgrading 2 minute noodles into a gourmet dish in just a few more, than 2 minutes! Instead of always having a noodle soup, why not try out a noodle stir fry? Nutritious Noodle Stir Fry: Ingredients for the Sauce: 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon sesame oil 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons hot sauce 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon minced ginger Ingredients for the Noodle Stir Fry: 3 packs of Maggie Noodles (discard the flavour packet) 1 tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon minced ginger 4 sliced button mushrooms 1 broccoli sliced julienne style 1/2 red bell pepper sliced julienne style 1 egg lightly scrambled 2 spring o...

Teen Text Translation

  OMG! BM&Y, IDK โ€“ SITD! LOL! ROTFL! NVM! TTYL! Uhhhhhhh.... What? Said every parent to their teen after reading a text message from them which looked like a 2-year-old had a go at the phone keyboard with the CAPS LOCK on! And what's worse is the aftermath! A week after receiving the translation from their kids... Some parents decided to go solo with this one... LMAO!!!!! ROTF!!!! SMH!    We don't want any more incidents like these ones! This is why moms and dads, we've decided to hook you up with a little text message acronym dictionary with the most commonly used texting acronyms. Check it out ASAP! We don't want you to SITD! Teen Text Acronym: Translation: AAMOF As a Matter of Fact AFAIK As far as I know AFAIR As far as I remember / recall AKA Also...

How to get rid of mosquitoes DIY Style

BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ouch!    Is that how most of your sleepless nights begin? Or how your outdoor adventures turn out? Well, being located along the beach, in the very lush and moist part of KZN, we at Sugar Bay are so used to these buzzing pests. In fact, we're so busy having so much fun that we don't even know they're around buzzing in our terrain. Nevertheless, going to bed with red and itchy bumps or being woken up with the urge to scratch them isn't exactly exciting. That's why we've decided to save you from the mosquitoes and other bugs by showing you how to create your own Mosquito No More Candles.  MOSQUITO NO MORE CANDLES:  You will need: Candle Wax Wick Essential oils Candle holder Double boiler  SMART TIP: A candle, as a heat source, will naturall...