How camp provides essential 21st-Century Skills

Living in the 21st century requires staying up-to-speed, but most of all, it requires being able to survive and succeed in a very competitive world.
Although camp may seem a little laid back and restraint from technology, camps understand the importance of keeping our campers up-to-speed with this fast-paced, ever-changing universe. This is why we implement and teach 21st-century skills at camp to ensure that our campers are able to conquer whatever challenges the future holds.
Here are 4 essential 21st-Century Skills taught at camp:
1. Collaboration
Camp teaches kids to work together effectively within a diverse group and how to compromise to accomplish goals as a team. Most camp activities require that campers be placed in groups or put into teams with people they aren’t familiar with. This diversity pushes them to collaborate and value one another’s contributions.
2. Creativity
Camp provides campers with the opportunity to be creative. Camp activities such as stage production, cooking and baking, and arts and crafts classes allow campers to demonstrate originality and inventiveness.
3. Communication
Clear communication is crucial at camp, whether oral, written or non-verbal. Campers and counselors are taught to communicate effectively with one another on a daily basis. Communication skills are taught through certain activities which help to develop camper’s listening and understanding skills, as well as practice coherent verbal and non-verbal communication.
4. Critical Thinking
Being able to complete activities and succeed at challenges at camp require critical thinking. Our campers and counselors are always problem-solving. At school, critical thinking may seem pressurized, whereas at camp, it’s a skill implemented while having fun. Therefore, there is minimal pressure and they develop without even knowing it.
Camp teaches kids these necessary 21st-century skills through interpersonal interactions, something that technology cannot offer. At Sugar Bay Resort, we understand that the only way to develop these skills is with practice. Therefore, our campers and counselors are constantly collaborating, creating, communicating and thinking critically to solve problems and succeed at camp challenges.
Follow us on our Pinterest channel to check out how we apply 21st-Century skills at camp.
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