How to make loom band bracelets in 5 simple steps
Surprisingly, they are really simple to create and a pretty cool version of the usual string friendship bracelets we make at camp.
Create a loom band bracelet in 5 simple steps:

You will need:
- C-Clip (Which usually comes with a loom band kit)
- 20 – 30 bands in your choice of colour(s)
Pick your colour sequence. We noted that most of our campers love creating rainbow-themed loom bands.
Step 2:
Twist one band into a figure "8" and fold it over so it forms a circle. Slide this circle inside the C-clip. This is the beginning of your bracelet. We'll call this band #1.
Step 3:
Pinch one band between your fingers. Slide this band (#2) halfway through the circle you made in Step 2. Pull the ends up and hold them together.
Step 4:
Pinch another band and slide it through the loops formed by band #2. Make sure you keep holding the ends of band #2 together while you do this or the chain will undo itself and all your effort will be gone to waste. Now band #2 is securely part of the chain, and band #3 looks just like band #2 in the previous step. Repeat the pinch and slide until bracelet is long enough.
Step 5:
Slip one loop of the final band through the other loop and pull tightly. Slide the last band's remaining loop into the C-clip from Step 2.

Make sure your loom band bracelet is not tight and fits you loose. Wearing a bracelet that's too tight might disturb blood circulation and cause swelling.
And that’s how you create beautiful loom band bracelets quickly and conveniently!
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