How to play the Sugar Bay Shoe Game
Ever experienced those moments when you had to patiently wait for something without being bored? We all have those moments, especially at camp. Some things can go a little off-schedule like the time lunch is served or how long we may have to wait before the excursion bus arrives. This is why, the Sugar Bay Shoe Game is the perfect game to get campers energized and pass time with lots of fun.
You can play this game by following these 5 simple steps:
Step 1:
Line up 4 chairs to form a plus sign with a two meter space between each pair.
Step 2:

Place a water bottle in the middle of the plus sign.
Step 3:

Place a shoe on each of the chairs.
Step 4:

Divide the campers into 4 equal groups. Each group would have to represent 1 chair. Give each camper a number according to the number of participants in each group.
Step 5:
Call up each number individually. These participants representing the numbers would have to hop onto their chair and use the shoe to try and knock over the bottle in the centre. Whichever team member knocks over the bottle first will gain a point for their team. The team with the most points will win.
Playing the shoe game will have you all entertained and in stitches!
Follow us on Instagram & get a taste of the best that's happening at Sugar Bay these summer holidays!
You can play this game by following these 5 simple steps:
Step 1:
Line up 4 chairs to form a plus sign with a two meter space between each pair.
Step 2:
Place a water bottle in the middle of the plus sign.
Step 3:
Place a shoe on each of the chairs.
Step 4:
Divide the campers into 4 equal groups. Each group would have to represent 1 chair. Give each camper a number according to the number of participants in each group.
Step 5:
Call up each number individually. These participants representing the numbers would have to hop onto their chair and use the shoe to try and knock over the bottle in the centre. Whichever team member knocks over the bottle first will gain a point for their team. The team with the most points will win.
Playing the shoe game will have you all entertained and in stitches!
Follow us on Instagram & get a taste of the best that's happening at Sugar Bay these summer holidays!
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