
Showing posts from September, 2018

Tea-making with Teaspoon

"Tea- making is a form of meditation for me, nothing is on my mind except the smell of the herbs, the different textures and the outcome of the different herb combinations." His love for tea began with a birthday tradition his mom started, where he found himself receiving a cup of tea on the night before and the morning of his birthday. "My mom always wanted to make me the last cup of tea of the age I was, and the first cup of the age I was turning. I can safely say my mom is my inspiration when it comes to tea-making." He shared. When introducing his tea-making at Sugar Bay as a specialized class, he was inflicted with doubts of whether campers would want to take part.  "When I first advertised my class, no-one came and I was so bummed about it. About twenty minutes later, three kids came up to me and asked if we could make some tea. That's when I knew my tea-making class was not just about teaching kids how to make tea; but it was ...

Upcoming October Camp

Spring is here and we're on the brink of another school holiday. We have one holiday camp for the upcoming October holidays and we're feeling the need for speed! With a discount of R1900, don't get left behind as we race our way into a week of drifting and car mania. Need For Speed week: 30 September - 7 October 2018  With camp turning into Ventura Bay, we're unlocking all the summertime fun with horsepower and Formula1 knowledge! Don't get caught missing out on being number 1. Highlights :  Soapbox derby (campers build and race their own go-carts). Senior boat cruise. Wacky races evening program. Formula 1 quiz night. Trump card classes and Pitt crew games throughout the week. How much does it cost to become Sean โ€œMacโ€ McAlister?  Book now to unlock your potential. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to view our holiday camp highlights , alternatively check out our   Facebook Events  to stay updated on what we have planned...

Get to know TGIF (Fresh)

"I came to Sugar Bay as a fresh young kid at 19, I had to grow up very quickly and camp was the right place to be because it taught me responsibility. I also gained skill sets that would help me in my future endeavours." Working as a radio host on 5fm on the afternoon drive (weekdays 3-6pm) and presenting a T.V game show, Msizi James explains how his time at Sugar Bay has helped in growing his character and preparing him for his career. We caught up with Msizi, popularly known as TGIF, on his humble beginnings at the Bay and how he had a hand in the building of the climbing wall at Sugar Bay. 1. What's the craziest, messiest, most mind-boggling thing have you have ever done or been done to you at the Bay? "The messiest thing that ever happened at the bay always involved special loans and a legendary counselor named Chana. If it was your birthday, he would make you a toxic cocktail of whatever was around and you had to drink it to get the (staff) part...

What is your camp name?

Ever wondered why our counselors have super cool nicknames? Well besides it being exciting having a name that suits your personality, campers also love it; even parents think it's quite neat! After all, it's easier to distinguish between Moonwalk and Spook than Josh and Josh. We have 5 popular types of counselor personalities we get to see around camp, what category do you fall under? Fireball:  If the name isn't already a hint that this type of counselor is the life of the party, you will definitely feel it on your first encounter with them. Besides illuminating a room with just their presence, they're also Mr. Funny Guy, throwing in banter and playing on words. Campers love these counselors; from the random fun facts on Marvel movies to the grand speeches on ocean life. Harmony:  This counselor is the designated fairy godmother at camp. Usually creative, they inspire and cultivate talents around camp with their nurturing personality. Bri...