What is your camp name?

Ever wondered why our counselors have super cool nicknames? Well besides it being exciting having a name that suits your personality, campers also love it; even parents think it's quite neat! After all, it's easier to distinguish between Moonwalk and Spook than Josh and Josh.

We have 5 popular types of counselor personalities we get to see around camp, what category do you fall under?


If the name isn't already a hint that this type of counselor is the life of the party, you will definitely feel it on your first encounter with them. Besides illuminating a room with just their presence, they're also Mr. Funny Guy, throwing in banter and playing on words. Campers love these counselors; from the random fun facts on Marvel movies to the grand speeches on ocean life.


This counselor is the designated fairy godmother at camp. Usually creative, they inspire and cultivate talents around camp with their nurturing personality. Bringing out the best in people is their most natural flair. It's inevitable that the kids leave camp with their confidence boosted and doubts about whether fairytales are indeed fiction.

Ben 10: 

You'll most-likely find Ben 10 either covered in mud or sumo wrestling with a camper half their size. Juniors love Ben 10, they're basically playing with their age mate who just happens to be in an adult body (which campers love!) This type of counselor is warm-hearted and can put a smile on your face on the most dreadful day. We love our Ben 10's, everything from being a best friend to junior campers with their child-like personality, to making the senior campers feel like they're care-free 10 year-olds again.


Quirky, fun and alternative. Campers are anything their imagination tells them to be with this counselor around. From being rock stars to making plans to spend time with aliens, they're up for anything. This counselor is anything but ordinary; the sky is purple and the floor is oozing lava. Don't box a Gumball, they'll surprise you with blue hair and pink eyebrows.


Man of Steel is this counselor's middle name. Campers are convinced that this counselor can paddle up Victoria falls; they're the ultimate hero. Rangers are great at putting on a show-and-tell of all the cool activities campers will achieve by enticing them with their superman voice and elaborate moves. All they need now is a  red cape and an "S" on their chest.

Tell us what your camp name is by leaving a comment below! If you would like to become a counselor at the Bay, book a C.I.T course or visit our website for more information on our C.I.T course.


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