Busting Myths (and Making Parents Happy)
We're getting ready to host a Myth Busters Week here at Sugar Bay, where campers from all over the country will get together to bust some of the long-running myths and mysteries about their favourite place on the North Coast, Sugar Bay Holiday Camp.
While planning which magical myths we'd take on in the name of science, we came across some widely-spread myths about summer camps and thought "Hey! Ain't nobody got time for that! Parents need to know the truth!" Which is why we're here to bust 4 of the many myths about summer camps. Sure we may not be well-moustached and wear lab coats like our geeky Mythbusting friends on the Discovery Channel, but we do have scientific studies to back us, years of experience and photographic evidence to boot. We'd like to show you the value of summer camp and why you should let us explode your camper's mind (with fun!)

Myth #1: My Child Won't Be Safe If I'm Not There

In terms of safety, just think of us as a fun version of Alcatraz: with full perimeter electric fences, 25 CCTV cameras, our own night watchman and 24 hour armed response services on call, no one gets in or out without an appointment or someone knowing about it. Your child will be safe, fret not dear parents. In fact, that's the only thing that takes precedence over learning and fun: safety. We think it's safe to say: Myth Busted.
Myth #2: Your Fees Are Too Expensive and Don't Offer Value for Money
We're not mathematicians but we're pretty sure you wouldn't be able to get this kind of value at any other resort! With your calculator at the ready, consider this: Sugar Bay offers
- fully-furnished, luxury accommodation for a full week
- 3 meals and 2 snacks per day
- over 100 free choice activities supervised by trained counselors
- state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and
- a supervision ratio of 1 counselor to every 3 campers.

And just like a luxury hotel, we even offer evening entertainment with our epic evening programs such as Skits & Stunts, Party Night & Carnival. Did we mention that we're all-inclusive? No outrageous fees for unique activities such as paintball, surf lessons or scuba experiences. Case close. Myth Busted.
Myth #4: My Youngest Child Won't Cope Without Their Older Sibling
But camp is all about growing your child's independence, encouraging their individuality and supporting their self-esteem in a new environment. Not only that, but your teen doesn't want to be seen with their younger sibling, let alone share a cabin with them. I mean, really Mom. As sweet as little Suzy is, having a stage 5 sibling clinger is hardly up there in the standard teenager's definition of 'cool'. Siblings will have plenty opportunities to see each other during the regular camp day though: there's beach day, meal times, party night, the all-camp game and final campfire. And at any time if little Suzy is desperate to see her older sibling, our caring counselors will be sure to arrange it for them. Siblings Sorted. Myth Busted.
Whew, that was a lot of myth busting action! Now that all that's out of the way, check out our rates & dates.
Still have questions? Contact us! Explosive news! All our April Holiday Camps are on special,
saving you a whopping R1900 off the regular price! If you'd like to find
out more, here's
a sneak peek into
what the camp experience at Sugar Bay is like. For more
information or to secure your spot, call us on (032) 485 3778, email
holidays@sugarbay.co.za or simply book online.
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