At Sugar Bay we know about energy. Like the beautiful Indian ocean on our doorstep, the energy ebbs and flows in our little piece of paradise: increasing with the arrival of new students and decreasing with sad farewells to new friends. As an office dweller, you can always feel the positive energy on the days when campers are due to arrive. From the moment the school bus drives through those beautifully branded gates, the excitement is almost overwhelming.
can sense that the kids are eager to get off the bus, it's pretty clear
that the teachers can't wait for a well-deserved break and to get those kids off the bus, and our counselors just can't wait to welcome them all!
energy simply soars, almost as high as the local fish eagle family
nesting near the Zinkwazi lagoon (more on them in another post!) Did we
mention that we have private access to that lagoon? We get to go
fishing, stand up paddleboarding, kayaking and more, but I digress... Each and every school gets an unbelievable welcome as soon as the bus doors open. Our Sugar Bay staff introduce themselves one by one in true Sugar Bay Energizer Bunny fashion and BAM, campers have a new set of friends and role models, just like that.
We don't need Red Bull or Monster Energy drinks, we've got your campers. As soon as they're here it's all systems go: fun fun fun every minute until bed time. And then there's happy dreams and early morning beach activities to start the day right - soaking in all of that feel-good energy from seeing the sun rise over the ocean. Then it's onto another day jam-packed with adventure, sampling some of our 100+ activities.
This week's lucky visitors are from Durban North Primary School and Durban Girls College. Two schools, one camp, and a hundred stories of "this one time at Sugar Bay" still to come...
If you would like your school to come to camp at Sugar Bay, visit our website's Schools & Groups section where you'll find all sorts of handy dandy information, like Teachers Need to Know Info, Teacher Reviews, packing lists, lists of our activities and more. Get in touch and we'll tailor-make an experience just for your school.
You can discuss your school's needs by calling Liezl on 032 485 3778 or emailing
For the holiday experience of a lifetime, check out our rates & dates.
And here's some splendid news for you - our April Holiday Camps are on special,
saving you a whopping R1900 off the regular price! If you'd like to find
out more, here's
a sneak peek into
what the camp experience at Sugar Bay is like. For more
information or to secure your spot, call us on (032) 485 3778, email or simply book online.
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