Rooiboss: the Surf won't be the same without you Dude!

Rooiboss has been an important part of the SB team for the last 5 years. He started off as a counselor, then became a Squad Leader and swiftly moved on to becoming one of the prestigious A+ counselors. Rooiboss has also helped out as a Body Boarding Pro Counselor, which made sense seeing as he's been to the SA Champs 3 times. Teachers will know our beloved Rooiboss as their Teacher Liaison and Activity Assessor, making sure that the teachers have an incredible time when their schools come to visit and being the guy to ensure all activities are run safely.

- Rooiboss hails from the thriving metropolis that is Empangeni
- His favourite camp meal is Chicken Stir Fry, which Chef was kind enough to make him last night as his Last Supper
- His favourite activity is Body Boarding (like, no duh)
- His favourite camp tradition is final campfire, for obvious reasons
- His best camp memory was during an early morning Rock Explore class when they found an octopus and got to see him changing colours up close and personal
- Rooi has a literal spring in his step: when he walks, there's an unexplained clicking sound in his right heel
- He has a pretty gross talent: he can put something in his nose and bring it out his mouth. Ew! Don't try that at home!
One last one, just before he goes: Rooiboss is a natural red head and classifies himself as King of All Gingers. Why you ask? He's got a tan and no freckles, which is apparently pretty rare for a redhead. All hail King Rooi!
It sure has
been swell having you here Rooi, and we're stoked that you're off on a new new adventure out
there in the big old blue. We'll be sure to wave you off with our best
Sugar Bay farewell, and hope you catch the big one! Keep that red mop nice and curly and keep in touch.
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