Bucket-list of uber things to do before the big 18!!

Turning 18 may be daunting for many teenagers as it means they are stepping into adult-hood which is often accompanied by a long list of responsibilities. Before that list of responsibilities makes its way over, Sugar Bay has a bucket-list of exciting and fun things your children can do before “growth” kicks in.
  1.  Go camping- while this has no age limit, the things you can do and explore while spending the night under the stars are ENDLESS!

2. Try an indoor/outdoor activity you have never tried before - surfing, boating, rock climbing, kayaking and loads more.

  1. Dare to meet new people- Life is quite a long and very exciting journey. What makes it more meaningful are the awesome people we meet along the way. Be open to new encounters, you never know what you might learn.

  1. Get out of your comfort-zone - Try a strange meal, try being away from home for a week! It may feel daunting,  but it will be worth the experience.

  1. Sharpen your DIY skills- you never know when they might come in handy.

  1. Explore the natural environment- those strange lessons in geography, biology or science that never made any sense might make sense once you get your hands dirty.

  1. Have your birthday party on a camping resort- spend time bonding with your friends and potentially meeting new people.

  1. Make your way to Sugar Bay Holiday Camp- kill seven birds with one stone and add so much more to your bucket list! Always remember that no child ever remembered their favorite moments on television, the best moments come when we actively explore!


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