DIY: American Flag Shorts
We had a fantastic 4th of July party at Sugar Bay this past Monday! Our All-American Bash themed holiday camp is simply amazing. We have our counselors vying for President and our campers partying American-Style all week long.
We love this holiday camp theme and we also love getting creative and crafty. This is why, inwspired by our exclusive All-American Bash week themed holiday camp… We’re showing you how to dazzle up All-American Style!
How to DIY American Flag Shorts:
We love this holiday camp theme and we also love getting creative and crafty. This is why, inwspired by our exclusive All-American Bash week themed holiday camp… We’re showing you how to dazzle up All-American Style!
How to DIY American Flag Shorts:
You Will Need:
• Old Denim Jeans
• Red & White Fabric Paint
• Masking Tape
• Paint Brushes
• Chalk
• Pencil
Step 1:
Step 1:

Take an old pair of jeans and let’s recycle them. Cut them to the length you would prefer.
Now you have officially turned your jeans into shorts!
Step 2:
Decide which side of the shorts that you want your stripes to go on. Usually, we would choose left leg so that the design would mimic the flag, but you could get more abstract or creative with it if you wanted to. Use your masking tape thickness as a guide for the size of the stripes you want to create.
Step 3:
Use a piece of chalk or a pencil to draw the stars on the other leg. You can make your stars any size you want to. Now, use the white fabric paint to carefully fill in the stars. This may take a few coats to get the right amount of opaqueness.
Smart Tip:
Remember to let each coat dry before putting on the next.
Step 4:
Now it's time to paint on the stripes. Using the white paint, evenly paint where the tape is exposing the denim. Go slowly and take your time to avoid any mistakes.
Step 5:
Once you're done with the white stripes, peel off the painter's tape.
Step 6:
Finally, take the red paint and paint in all the spaces between the white paint.
Smart Tip:
Use a flat brush to keep the lines nice and straight.
Once your paint has dried… put on your shorts and have an amazing All-American Bash just like the one we’re having at Sugar Bay!
At Sugar Bay, we love DIY Projects. Our Arts and Crafts classes are always spectacular. Have you checked out how creative we are at Sugar Bay? Take a look at this video.
Head over to our website
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to secure your place for another cool themed camp these Winter holidays. Wondering what our holiday camps are all about? Check out
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featuring all the highlights. To view the finer details for each of
our themed holiday camps and prices, check out our rates
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